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A Day For Gratitude

A Day for Gratitude

Hello everyone! My apologies for being out of the social scene for the past couple of months. As some of you have noticed from my posts, I have had quite the adventure during my return trip from Michigan (future blog in the making on that trip). It has taken me a few months to recuperate. With United Airlines breaking my powerchair beyond repair, it took a couple of months to replace a new one. But that’s another story for another time.

Today I want to focus on Thanksgiving. A day where we all enjoy family time and give thanks for the good moments in our life. My Thanksgiving Day went wonderfully. It started with my stepmother whipping up a delicious batch of blueberry French toast with cream cheese. It was amazing. I am truly grateful for how wonderful my stepmom is. She makes amazing meals and enjoys cooking for others.

My dad and stepmom then prepped up the turkey. This year my dad got a new smoker to cook, and he wanted to try it out on the turkey. The before and after image of the turkey is hilarious. My folks had to crack open the turkey to prep this giant turkey for the smoker. Unfortunately, despite taking it out the Sunday before, the huge turkey was still partially frozen! The turkey prepping became a little more challenging than expected. The prepped turkey looked like a pack of wild animals had attacked it. Kind of like the “A Christmas Story’s” Turkey Fiasco.

Six hours later, though, the turkey smelled and looked amazing! My dad proved efficient at using the smoker for delicious smoked turkey. I am grateful for my dad and warm, generous heart. He is always trying to get us together for family meals and bonding. Throughout the day, we, of course, watched the football game. What’s Thanksgiving without football? Detroit Lions vs. the Dallas Cowboys.

Fun fact, did you know those two teams play on Thanksgiving every year? The Detroit Lions have “always played on Thanksgiving except between 1939-1944 due to World War II. The Dallas Cowboys also joined in on the Turkey Day tradition in 1966 and have played every Thanksgiving except in 1975 and 1977” (Good House Keeping).

While my dad smoked the turkey, my stepmom whipped up an amazing batch of homemade mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, and warm flaky biscuits. The house was filled with warmth and wonderful smells.

My siblings all came over later that afternoon. Just in time for everything to be finished cooking. We piled up our plates and sat together in the living room to eat. The food was as amazing as it smelled. I got my traditional turkey leg. It is my favorite Thanksgiving food. What is yours? The pie? The stuffing?

Another fun fact, “In late November 1926, a live animal sent by one Vinnie Joyce of Nitta Yuma, Mississippi, arrived at the White House to be slaughtered and served up for that year’s Thanksgiving dinner. President Calvin Coolidge, however, became smitten by the beast and instead granted it a pardon. The lucky creature was no turkey, though, but a raccoon” (

I enjoy this holiday a lot as it gives our family the opportunity to get together and enjoy one another’s company. I am truly grateful for my siblings. We get along and have fun during the holidays and birthdays. Additionally, we try and make time to hang out throughout the year. I am also grateful for my mom. My mom constantly visits from Iowa to spend time with us and strives to make it to each of our birthdays.

After the fulfilling meal, my siblings and I got together for our favorite game, Cards Against Humanity. We all had a blast. I played for hours, laughing at the unique and witty combinations we made and the answers we chose. In the end, my brother was declared the winner after being the first to gain 15 black cards.

Overall, I am truly grateful for having a wonderful family. We may have our differences, but we are always there for each other.

How did you all spend your Thanksgiving? Any family traditions? Best recipe? What are you grateful for?

One last fun fact. Did you know Canada also has their version of Thanksgiving but in October. “When Sir Martin Frobisher sailed from England to the Canadian territory in 1578, he and his crew celebrated with salt beef and mushy peas and thoroughly gave thanks for making it across the ocean safely” (CNN).


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